Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Stan Plays Marketing Director

Not much to write about today. I hit the "New Post" button before I even knew what I was going to write about. I still have my "Culinary Adventure" post I promised but haven't gotten around to posting yet. But it's on my computer at home, and I'm sitting in my office at work, so...

What to write about?

The only thing I'm looking forward to at the moment is the Battlestar Gallactica Season 3 Marathon on the Sci-Fi channel this week. I'm recording in on my DVR (Time Warner's pathetic version of the Tivo), so I can watch it when I'm actually at home--and not sitting in my office at work.

Speaking of work, things are finally starting to move along. I started as marketing director way back in October. Developed a new marketing plan. Recommended new software. Picked out the software. Bought the software (finally) in late December.

And here we are in May finally about to implement the new software. Not much marketing stuff will happen until we get into the new software, so my salary is still an anemic 40,000 a year or so before taxes. (I get a small percentage of sales, so naturally I've been really eager to keep things moving along, but NOTHING happens fast around here.)

Soon, I'll be starting a new business. I'll talk more about it later. Actually, I have two businesses I want to start. Part of my overall plan for world domination. (Actually, my plan is to just gain economic freedom.)

I know I can't really afford the time to watch Battlestar Gallactica, but I need a reprieve. For almost a year, I've been studying marketing and copywriting nonstop. Everyday. Several hours a day. No movies. Very little TV. No books but marketing books and newsletters. I really wanted to master the subject.

But you can only become a master by doing. Not reading. And FINALLY, I'm about to do.

Marketing as a career is an odd choice for me. For someone who started out in college to be a nuclear engineer, marketing is about as different as you can get. But I have a history of pursuing wildly different career paths. Keeps things interesting.

But it also means I've never become financially successful because I never stuck with one thing long enough to make the big bucks. A Chinese proverb goes "Man who chases two rabbits catches neither." Well, I've chased at least a dozen.

I've just been interested in too many things. Everything sounds interesting. I wish I could clone myself and command each clone to pursue a different career. Maybe then, I could accomplish great things.

But who knows? The only thing I know for sure right now is I'm starving and it's time to go home.


The Stan

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