Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Finger Lengthen Good!

Apparently, I'm good at math and science because my ring finger is longer than my index finger and the ratio of their lengths is greater than normal.

Weird, huh?

That's what it says in this article at Live Science. It has to do with exposure to testosterone levels in the womb.


I took the ACT, not the SAT, but my math score was perfect. My science score was near perfect. But my reading and English scores were lower. (Which could have been predicted by measuring my finger lengths!)

I just want to know one thing: what does the length of the middle finger tell you?

The Stan

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hmmm...interesting The Stan. My ring and pointer fingers are about the same length, but my middle finger is quite a bit longer than the others! Let's find out what that means!

Shelley C