Friday, May 18, 2007

Good Times

I was looking over some of Matt & Shelley's old blog posts when I found this picture of me:

I think this was a New Years Eve party from the dawn of 2006. I'm showing off my ultra-powerful mega-micro lenses. As you can see, I'm blind as a bat...particularly in my left eye!

Anyway, feeling nolstalgic, I discovered that I had NOT, if fact, deleted my old blog (as I had thought) and I still have some posts which might be worthy of updating and reposting...particularly the story of my move to California. those who are familiar with the Big Move Saga, look for a re-telling sometime soon. I know you're dying for it.

The Stan


Shelley said...

THE BIG MOVE SAGA!!! YEAH!!!! I love it! You're a great storyteller, The Stan.

FancyPants said...

I think you should consider that picture being your profile picture. That's hilarious.

I think your blog is kickin-major-A.

Will be tuning in!

The Stan said...

Thanks for the compliment, fancypants!

As for the photo, I've considered that, too. I'll think about it.

Shelley said...

I agree with fancypants.

Seth Ward said...

Didn't those glasses come with the "Pocket Protector 2007" set?


You look like a young nutty professor.