Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You Know You're Going Bald When...

You know you're going bald when you're standing outside at the Farmer's Market waiting for your Loma Saltado from the Happy Inka stand, and you notice the unusual warmth--searing heat, more like it--of the sun beaming down on the top of your head, and you just know your scalp is getting sunburned.

...when you have to comb your hair forward to help cover up the "M" of your receding hairline.

...when you visit your family for the first time in three years and the first thing out of their mouths is "What happened to your hair?"

...when your dad, your dad's dad, your mom's dad, and all her brothers are BALD!!!

...when you avoid putting any kind of product in your hair because every time you do, your hands come out looking like monkey palms.

...when you start to wonder if Rogaine would work for you.

...when you start seriously considering Rogaine.

...when you start actively looking for ways to reverse hair loss.

...when you discover that cayenne pepper soaked in vodka for two months is a natural remedy for reversing hair growth.

...when you actually go to the store to buy cayenne pepper (not as a seasoning) and vodka (not to drink).

...when you actually put the cayenne pepper into a jar of vodka and place it on your kitchen counter.

...when you have a countdown calendar for when the vodka-cayenne pepper solution is ready.

...when you watch its progress day by day as the vodka gradually turns pink and the excess cayenne pepper settles to the bottom.

...when you daydream of visiting your family again, and how the first thing out of their fat mouths will be "My, what big hair you have!"

...when you actually blog about losing hair.

Well...some of these are true (like the Farmer's Market Moment of Revelation). Vodka and cayenne pepper is actually supposed to work because it cleans out your pores, or something. (Ole Jay Kordich, the juice man, told me about that one.)

It's hopeless, I'm sure. I'll be Dr. Baldstan before too long.

Dr. Soon-to-be-Baldstan


Seth Ward said...

Hey buddy. Rogain works. No Joke. Not ashamed to say I've been using it me'self.

Get the generic one though at Walgreens it as 5% of the active drug and is cheaper wheras Rogain only has 3%.

I've been growing hair man. Pretty much in days after starting. Also, start messaging your scalp. It is nearly as effective as the Rogain. Go to town in the shower (on your hair that is...) and lay OFF the conditioner.

Unknown said...

cayenne pepper and vodka does work IF you start as soon as you notice hair loss and keep doing it every 2weeks.
and btw its not necessary to soak for 2months 1week is enough.

Anthony E. Alvarez said...

I want to try cayenne pepper and vodka solution. What is the recipe for cayenne pepper and vodka? How much of each is necessary to create the tonic? What is procedure to handle cayenne? Should it be put in food processor first or just dropped whole into vodka? Thank you for this blog.

Sushanth said...

Your content is amazing, I loved it a lot. We have some more tips on similar topic vodka and cayenne pepper for hair loss.