Monday, July 16, 2007

H2ommmm Water: Vibration Hydration!

I've been studying marketing for over a year now, and as my die-hard readers know, I work as a marketing director for a small company in Torrance. So when I see a site like, there are two sides of myself looking at this.

The first side is the educated, skeptical side who has more than a layman's understanding of science. The side that thinks crystal-hugging, magnet-loving, new-age hippies are full of sh*t.

But then there's the marketer in me who appreciates good marketing.

So let's consider H2om water. For the uninitiated, that's pronounced "H 2 Ommmm." Here's a bit of copy straight from their website:

Intention is Everything

H2Om Water with Intention is the world’s first interactive natural spring water. Infused with the power of positive energy through words, music, colors, symbols and you.

Our vision for H2Om is to spread positive energy, inspire people to visualize amazing possibilities in their lives, and carry those vibrations throughout the world.

But wait! There's more...

As an added bonus, once our water is in the bottle, we play a restorative compositions [sic] of music, frequencies, and spoken word to the water.

Isn't that nice? I get to pay $1.50 per 16 ounce bottle (if I buy it in a 24-bottle case, that is)--plus shipping--so I can get water that's been sung at.

You see, that's important because, as H2Om tells me, "Recent scientific studies have proven that water is receptive. It retains and reflects the vibratory energy it is exposed to." (Don't ask me what that means.) "Whether it be words, thoughts, or music, water receives these vibrations and illustrates them under magnification." (Don't ask me what that means, either.) "Based on these principles, H2Om water was created." (There. Clear as mud.)

Check out their taglines:
"A positive affirmation in every bottle. Think it while you drink it!"

When I read something this hilarious, I can't even adequately comment on it because it carries its own humor. Nothing I can possibly say would make it any funnier and more ridiculous than it already is. (For a good laugh, read through their copy.)

So let's talk about the marketing aspect.

There is a certain segment of the population that eats (drinks) this stuff up. Those very same crystal-hugging neo-hippies I mentioned earlier. (I think I just coined a word: "neo-hippies.")

And because of this segment, this is terrific marketing! They're creating a solid unique selling proposition (USP) that sets itself apart from every other commodity water-bottler out there. And because of that, they can charge a premium to gullible morons.

They've picked their target market. They're certainly not all things to all people. They've chosen a message and their market and have perfectly matched that message to their market.

It's genius. It's the ultimate snake-oil sales pitch. And I LOVE IT!

Pure genius. Go buy some H2Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

The Stan


Shelley said...

When Matt and I were browsing the website, we figured it must have been a joke! I can't believe it's serious!

go to said...


I looked all over Target for this stuff. Couldn't find it. WTF!?!?! ;)

Dig the blog man.