Friday, August 3, 2007

My MySpace Space

Well, I've been locked out of my MySpace account for ages. Like a year and a half.

And true to my usual form, I've just lately gotten around to contacting MySpace about getting back in. Here's what happened...

My good friends Matt & Shelley decided to create a "fake" MySpace account in my name and pretend to be me for a few weeks. Wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't made me say some really gay and dumb things, then add a whole bunch of people I knew as friends.

Anyway, so M&S signed me up with a fake email address (, which I've never owned, but somebody does. I imagine it would have been theoretically possible for this person to assume my identity, but fortunately it never happened.

Then they made up a password which I've long since forgotten. This was like three years ago. And my computer had my login saved in its memory. computers so often computer bit the dust. Choked on it. Perhaps shorted itself out on it.

Whatever happened, that was the end of my MySpace days for about a year and a half.

Until today.

The other day, I contacted MySpace about getting access to my account. But to be honest, I wasn't all that hopeful. No email address. No password. No entre.

But they told me that if I took a photo of myself holding up a sign with my MySpace friend ID, they would let me in.

So I go over to Abel's house to have him take my photo. And it just so happens that Sal and Steve happen to be hanging around, too. (Possibly invited by Abel for the special occasion.) They were quite amused by my plight, and you can see a snapshot of their antics on my MySpace photo album. (Yes, MySpace let me back in):

I take it you know how to get to the photo section. Everybody and their dog and their dog's chew toy is on MySpace these days.

So I suppose it's about time I get back on, myself. I'm afraid I have a few long-neglected MySpace friends waiting for me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes it is time! i'm one of those neglected friends! come on stanley! myspace is life!