Monday, August 20, 2007

Look What I Found!

Snagged this off an old post from Matt & Shelley's Blog. Shelley game nights used to be so much fun!
I'll never forget some of those hilarious Balderdash moments. None of us cared about points. All we wanted was to hear the next ridiculous movie plot...or people's suggestions at what certain acronyms stood for...or "interesting" definitions of unusual words.

But Shelley game nights aren't the same without Shell C. and Matt B. And most of the rest of the gang have moved out of town, too. All except me and Michelle and Mateo.

From left to right starting with Shelley in yellow: Shelley, Myev, Michelle & Mateo, Heidi, Your's Truly, and Geoff and Emily (who have been very negligent in updating their blog).

Maybe I should renew the tradition with a new generation of Balderdash nights! That would be a hell of a lot of fun!


Shelley said...

Great post, Stan! Those were some fun times! You made one error, though. Matt B cared about points when we played Balderdash. He used to get annoyed with me when I would make ridiculous movie plots that often included The Stan in them! When you come to Princeton, we will have to play some games. In the mean time, you should keep the tradition alive!

The Stan said...

LOL! Yes, you're right about Matt B. He was the only one who actually cared about points! Doesn't matter what game it is, if it's at all competitive, Matt B. plays to win!

Seth Ward said...

Let's hear one of those movie plots!


[It was a dark and thundering night in the castle. The king awaited news from his son Zanthor and the campaign he was leading against the evil Grobb tribes that have been raping and robbing his lands.]

The king then calls for entertainment...

"Bring me the topless dancers!"

"I'm sorry my king, but they're all 7 month pregnant with... somebody's children."

"Oh...ahem... Well, bring me the circus jugglers..."

"I'm sorry my King... they are all recovering from severe burns from their last rehearsal. Remember? You asked for them to..."

"AHEM... Yes, yes... I was a little drunk when I requested that... well my god. Is there anyone entertainer that can take my mind off this battle?"

"Well, we just got a new application in... It says here that he plays trumpet and he plays with himself.... I mean, by himself... His name is Stan."

"Well, bring him in, but have the castrators ready if he cracks a note... but don't tell him that last bit."

To be continued...

The Stan said...

You'd fit right in with Balderdash game night, Seth!