Battlestar Galactica is the best show I've ever seen. That's not to say it's the best show ever created. I never did watch a lot of TV. But as far as what I've seen (and I've seen at least a few episodes of a lot of sci-fi shows), it's by far the best.
I just watched the last episode of season 3 last night. (I didn't get to bed until 2:00 am because I HAD to watch the rest of the third season.) It got a little wierd in that last episode, but I MUST KNOW what happens in the upcoming season 4. Some very surprising plot developments there.
Here's why I think this show is deserving of "Best Sci-Fi Show of All Time."
1. The actors are terrific. This is some of the best acting ever to appear in the sci-fi genre.
2. Some of the actors are really hot like Boomer/Athena, Caprica 6, and Number 3 (Lucy Lawless) and you get plenty of gratuitous lingerie shots.
3. The scripts are awesome. Every character is a real person--with flaws and everything. So you actually care about these characters. They're real--not some one-dimensional cardboard character. Contrast that with Star Trek.
4. The action is nonstop. Every episode is full of drama, excitement, and action. Contrast THAT with Star Trek. As much as I used to like Star Trek, many episodes were downright boring.
5. It presents a realistic portrayal of humans in the future. They're not a more "evolved" noble race. They're every bit as flawed as we are today, and deal with many of the same issues.
6. It deals with contemporary philosophical issues and moral dilemmas. What morals and values would you hold on to if our entire civilation were destoyed and you were relentlessly pursued by an enemy with overwhelming forces? Would that change your ideas about freedom, due process, rules of war?
7. The story line is unpredictable. You never know when a major character is going to die off, or change roles, or undergo life-changing events. Good stuff.
In short, it's just damn good story-telling and damn good TV. I love it! And if you haven't seen it, go out and rent the miniseries and seasons 1 & 2. Season 3 comes out on DVD in August, I think. (I happened to catch a sci-fi channel marathon.)
The only downside is, I've got to wait a few months to find out what happens!
The Stan
uh...The Stan...you have just turned over a brand new leaf of dorkiness here...Battlestar GALACTICA???
Well I, Shell B, do agree with your assessment of Lucy Lawless. I liked her in Xena Warrior Princess. That was as deep as I got in that whole sci-fi/fantasy/future/nerd genre.
I'm just lovin' this blog, Stan.
Hey, if you watch the show, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's more than a sci-fi show. Alba LOVES this show. So if it passes the chick test, it tells you it's got good drama, and it's not just a dorky sci-fi show.
I'm telling you...watch it!
Sounds like a mix between Star Trek and 24.
I'm sorry, Stan, but nothing beats "24."
We're on Season 4...and new Netflix subscribers because of the insane addiction.
Did you ever see a movie called "Battlefield Earth" starring John Travolta? What did you think of that one?
You're blog is back in a major way in '07. It is so great. I love it.
Matt B.
That movie SUCKED!! I think you're trying to test out my taste, here Matt B. Believe me, I know when I'm watching something good and when it's a piece of shit. Most sci-fi movies and TV aren't worthy of the time you spend watching them.
So trust me: watch the pilot miniseries of Battlestar Galactica and watch a few episodes. You'll be hooked.
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